14 Safety Tips For Your Vacant Mexican Property

Some foreigners purchase property in Mexico only to use it six months of the year or a few times a year for vacations, and although renting out the vacant property can provide a good income, some prefer to leave it empty.

Before you leave your property unattended when you leave Mexico, you should prepare your property for any emergency, keep it secure, and make sure it is adequately insured.

  1. Discuss your insurance options with a broker to ensure your investment is protected. Clarify if there are any clauses in the insurance policy regarding leaving your home empty for an extended amount of time.
  2. Ask a neighbor to pick up flyers and other junk mail that accumulates at your door.
  3. If your property is in a gated community, advise the security guard and trusted neighbor of your absence.
  4. Shut off the water to avoid any water damage.
  5. Shut off the gas tank.
  6. Install deadlocks on doors and windows, secure the gate to keep squatters out.
  7. Set up light timers, to give the illusion that someone is home.
  8. Install surveillance cameras you can monitor from your phone.
  9. Unplug TVs and any other electronics to avoid power surge damage.
  10. During the rainy months, it is crucial to have someone check inside the house for water damage, turn on the AC or air out the house; otherwise, you may come back to a moldy home.
  11. Keep your property from looking abandoned by keeping the gardener on staff while you are gone.
  12. Have a friend move your car occasionally and remove the leaves and dust, so it does not look abandoned.
  13. The best time to fumigate is before you leave that way you do not expose yourself to the chemicals, and it helps keep pests from moving in.
  14. Disconnect the garage door opener and keep the remote hidden inside the house.

Our team at Guardian Insurance MX is ready to answer any questions you have regarding your insurance options in Mexico. Contact us today to receive a free insurance quote on your Mexican property.

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