Medical Evacuation

Secure medical transport, anywhere, anytime

Medical Evacuation

How does Medical Evacuation work?

Med-Evac plans can be a great complement to your health or travel insurance policies, or even if you don’t carry any type of insurance with you.

Both Travel & Health policies offer Air Ambulance, also known as Medical Evacuation. However, most insurance companies offer this benefit for very specific situations. Also, most of them will only fly you to the nearest medical facility in the country you live.

The difference with Medical Evacuation plans is that their benefits are broader, and it doesn’t have to be a life-threatening situation for you to use them.

 With plans like this, you can pick the hospital you want to be taken to within Mexico, the US, or Canada. And as soon as you have a doctor’s approval to fly, you can be flown to your hospital of choice.


What does Medical Evacuation cover?

Hospital-to-hospital emergency Air-Evac
Transportation to the city and hospital of your choice
in your home country (USA & Canada only)
Transportation services for non-emergency situations
Plans available for people vacationing
living part-time or full-time in Mexico
Return transportation after recovery
Your vehicle, RV, and/or sea vessel can be taken back north for you
No limit of Med-Evac services
Transportation of your pet and vehicle

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Medical Evacuation companies usually offer coverage only for the service of flying you back to your home country, but all hospital and doctors’ expenses before that have to be covered by the insured.

You are flown back to the hospital or medical facility in the USA or Canada that you elected when you contracted the policy. This benefit differs from the Medical Evacuation coverage on a private health insurance policy. The private health medical evacuation coverage will only evacuate you if the facility you are in cannot deal with the situation you are facing, and at that time, you will only be taken to the closest facility capable of treating you.

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