Mexican-Plated auto insurance for expats
Tailored coverage options through A+ rated companies

How does our Auto Insurance differ from other providers in Mexico?
When you purchase insurance through a bank, dealership or any service provider that is not an insurance agent specialized in expats, your experience will lack the service you need. The reason is that all your policy documents will be in Spanish and you will not have assistance when you need to use your policy.
On the other hand and at no extra cost, Guardian Insurance MX provides courtesy English translations of all policy documents, and our
team is fully bilingual. On top of that, we will assist you during your claim, saving you from the possibility of a bad experience with other
parties involved (police transit, other drivers, adjusters, car shops, etc.) that in most cases will only speak Spanish.
Guardian Insurance MX offers auto insurance policies designed with you in mind: Expats living in Mexico.
What does our MX-plated Auto Insurance offer?
Additional Benefits
- Medical expenses for drivers & other passengers
- Our policies cover damages to your car caused by fire, hurricane, earthquake and other catastrophic events
- Includes damages in U.S. & Canada
- Online English assistance for claims
- Medical expenses in case of theft or attempted theft, inside or outside the vehicle (Other companies only consider theft when you are located inside the vehicle)
- Quick assistance from adjusters through video call (optional)
This is a general summary of benefits of the insurance policies we have available. Restrictions or limitations may apply depending on the plan chosen.
Frequently Asked Questions
In Mexican insurance policies, deductibles can vary considering the plan selected and these only apply in the event of material damage, total theft, and glass breakage.
In both material damage and theft, the company will apply the deductible based on the value established in the cover of your auto insurance policy. In the case of glass breakage coverage, the deductible is just 20% of the repair cost.
In Mexico, there is no federal law or regulation that requires all motorists to carry third-party liability insurance. This coverage is regulated by each Mexican state, meaning that the minimum required amount of liability coverage will vary by state, with some states not requiring the coverage at all. The standard amount of liability coverage that we give our clients is 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 MXN, but that value can be increased to 7,000,000 MXN. That value is per event and covers property damage, injury, and death to third parties outside the insured vehicle.
Very similar to the US, Canada, and other countries, auto insurance in Mexico has 3 general levels of coverage. They are:
- Basic: The basic coverage includes third-party liability coverage, occupant medical expense coverage, legal assistance, and roadside assistance.
- Limited: The limited coverage includes everything in the basic coverage, as well as total theft of the vehicle.
- Full: The full coverage includes everything in the basic and limited coverage, as well as total and partial damages to the vehicle.
✓ Commercial Value: Having your vehicle insured this way means that you will not see a vehicle value stated on your policy, but instead you will just see it listed as “amparada” or covered. This means that the premium you paid for the policy was based on the commercial value of the vehicle at the time. It also means that in the event of a claim the insurance company will pay out the commercial value at the time of the claim. Commercial value is determined by a Mexican system, like Kelley Blue Book, that the Mexican insurance providers use with the Vehicle Identification Number.
✓ Fixed Value: Having your vehicle insured this way means that you will see a stated MXN value for your vehicle on the policy. This means that the vehicle value on the policy stays the same throughout the entire policy year, and then at the renewal, the depreciation is applied, and a new value is placed for the next year. This is different from the commercial value listed above, where the vehicle is depreciated throughout the policy year.
✓ Factura Value: If you are purchasing a new vehicle from a Mexican dealership, you will get a factura, which is a formal invoice. As long as the vehicle year is of the ongoing year or one year older, and the factura is not more than 30 days old, we can send it to the insurance company, and they will place the vehicle value on the policy as the same value you paid for the vehicle.
All our plans have medical expenses coverage included. This provides coverage for any medical fees related to any accidents that people may suffer while inside the insured vehicle. The standard amount we give for this section is 200,000 MXN, but it can be increased with a corresponding effect on the premium. It is also important to note that the sum insured value is the maximum value the company will pay out for all people in the vehicle combined, per event. The value is NOT per person.
Even the most basic policies will include some form of roadside assistance. The coverage of roadside assistance includes a variety of different services that most people are not aware of. Some of the services that are commonly included are:
- Tow truck assistance
- Someone to bring you gas if you run out
- Assistance with a flat tire
- Cables to power a dead battery
✓ Death of the Driver: Similar to a small life insurance policy, this coverage will pay out a contracted amount, in the event that the driver of the insured vehicle dies in an accident, to help with funeral expenses and other related expenses. This coverage is usually very inexpensive at 50 MXN onto the premium for every 100,000 MXN in coverage desired.
✓ Transportation Expenses: This coverage will provide compensation for transportation expenses (usually a rental car) ONLY if the vehicle is declared a total loss. The compensation is usually set for a maximum number of days and/or a maximum MXN payout value.
✓ Cancellation of Deductible: This coverage comes into effect in the event of a total loss or a total theft. If this coverage is included in the policy, you would be excluded from paying the corresponding deductible.
✓ Agency Repair: This coverage is offered to vehicles that were purchased directly at the dealership in the current year. Once the factura of the vehicle is issued the vehicle can purchase this coverage for the next 7 years to have the repairs at the agency.
Some Mexican insurance companies will include some type of USA and Canada coverage in their policy for Mexico, at no extra cost. All you need to do is ask for the form that shows that coverage. Other companies will include coverage, but at an extra cost, so this coverage needs to be requested before the policy is issued, to make sure it is included. With the companies that include USA and Canada coverage for free in their Mexican policy, the coverages, and terms you get vary by company.
Some companies will only offer liability coverage in the USA and Canada, and some will extend the full coverage to the USA and Canada if that is the coverage that was contracted for Mexico. The term can also vary. With some companies, the free coverage is only meant for short trips, of no more than 30 days in the USA and Canada. Others will be for the full year.
Besides the coverages that can be included in the Mexican policy, some companies offer various strictly USA and Canada policies, which need to be purchased for a full year and are non-refundable. These policies are also usually very inexpensive, at about 100 to 300 USD annually, depending on the coverage you want. Usually, the options will include liability, occupant medical expenses, legal assistance, and roadside assistance, but not all will cover your vehicle against damages or theft.