Health insurance

October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Globally, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and was developed to increase attention and support to early detection, treatment, and palliative care of a disease that effects millions of women.

Early detection remains the cornerstone of breast cancer control. When breast cancer is detected early, and if adequate diagnosis and treatment are available, there is a good chance that breast cancer can be cured.

Did you know:
  • Breast cancer can affect any women at any age, although is much more common in older women
  • Currently, cancer causes between 10 and 15 percent of
    deaths throughout the world
  • Cancer is the second cause of death globally
  • Cancer is one of the most expensive conditions around the world
  • 15 women die in Mexico everyday due to breast cancer
  • It is forecasted that by 2025, the number of cancer diagnosis will have increased by 50%
  • Public healthcare systems such as IMSS or ISSSTE do not have the appropriate infrastructure to efficiently treat this condition, which forces women to seek quality treatments through private hospitals

A mentally, physically, and emotionally healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of breast cancer,and prevention is always the most affordable option for everyone. Some health insurance companies in Mexico offer preventive checkup credits to their clients every year, which can be used to detect signs of breast cancer earlier, increasing the likelihood of recovery.

You can share this article and be part of the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign.

Sources: World Health Organization, Dictamed Mexico

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